GAAP is no longer mandatory

for foreign companies listed in the US. But it IS still mandatory for US companies. Here are the news from MSNBC. Here is the Chinese version (from Caijing).

GAAP is the US General Accepted Accounting Principle, vs. the international standard (US always like to have its own standard, isn’t it). I think this could reduce the accounting expenses for many Chinese companies listed in the US. Not sure for Chinese companies, is this significant or not? So this is not good news for US educated accountants?

Just kidding. On more serious level, I think the most important thing of accounting, is to show the true status of the business of a company. Warren Buffett used an extreme example one time (in his annual report) to show exotic accounting can be used to show artificial good numbers.

As a side note, I noticed Longtop LFT has to expense 24 million USD for the shared transfered from its chairman to employees. I still think “transfer of shares” alone did not consititue an expense, but awarding of stock options does.

Premier Wen Talks about housing, stocks

in Singapore, two of the most heated topics in China these days. Here is the Chinese excerpt from DFdaily.






premier wen jia bao pic


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Waiting for Longtop Financial earning

longtop finance logo

(Update 2) Just listened to its CC, CEO Mr. Lian said fiscal 2009 (Apr 1 2008 to March 31 2009) revenue forecast is 80 m. Note they said fiscal 2008 revenue would be 58 m. I felt they are being conservative on the numbers here. The CEO was very bullish on the IT spending of Chinese banks, insurance companies and financial subsidiary of large companies. FENet will contribute 10 m revenue in fiscal 2009. Not too bad.

Just a little book keeping: CFO Derek said the fiscal 2008 earning will be 68 cents; outstanding shares will be 53 m by March 31 2008.

(Update) Just as I was writing, it reported its quarter. The number of this quarter looked OK. But the outlook for next quarter and the year were so so (45.7% YoY revenue growth).

I would be very interested to hear what CEO Mr. Lian has to say.

(Original) LFT is going to report momentarily. I still have all the shares bought since its late Oct. IPO (yes, under water now), and here are my impressions from reading its prospectus last night.

1) The revenue growth will be OK. They forecast a low 40s growth YoY.

Continue reading Waiting for Longtop Financial earning

Chipotle Mexican Grill: 2nd visit

We went to the Chipotle yesterday. This is my second visit (see my first visit exp here), and my wife’s first. It did not turn out to be a disaster, but it is obvious that my wife did not like Mexican food 😦

On the other hand, the stock of Chipotle (NYSE: CMG) continued to do well in past 6 months, although they should have same “rising wheat and meat cost” issues as experienced by Panera, or (to a lesser extent), Starbucks. I think the main reason is, the consumers (black, white, Asian and hispanic) crave for the spicy Mexican food. Not the sandwich or latte from Panera or Starbucks.

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