Pictures taken by Nokia 5800

I took some pictures using Nokia 5800 camera yesterday (June 11) evening. Note this is a 3 Mb camera, so the resolution is not great. Yesterday evening we had a thunder storm like weather, we had the sun and lots of clouds at the same time.




Upload the picture to the web
It appears to me “Share Online” feature on the Nokia 5800 does not work for me well, so I went ahead and uploaded to flickr using the web browser. I used Wifi for internet connection, so the speed is decent.

Radio and Music Player
So far the feature I used most is the radio feature. The speaker embedded in phone is very good, and I used it to listen to my favorite radio station KWMU (NPR) all the time. This will save me quite some AA batteries used in radio. Sorry DuraCell and Energizers guys 🙂

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