Tag Archives: marketplace

A new way to listen to NPR marketplace

Via Podcast. Partially inspired by an idea suggested at bbs. But I want to automate it a bit more, here is the software: DopplerRadio. It has both iTune and Windows (Media Player) version. Here is a detailed Windows guide written by Jake Ludington.

The MarketPlace RSS feed is:

The same site also has feed to MartkPlace Morning Report etc.

After download it (the mp3) to PC, I did “sync” (Windows Media Player Sync) it to my Nokia 5800 so that I can listen to it when joggling. It worked beautifully.

Now I started to look at “Music Player” icon on Nokia 5800, I found there is this Podcast icon sits besides Music Player. So I will try that “direct” option next time, saving some hoops 🙂

Bonus material: how to burn music from CD to Nokia 5800

Continue reading A new way to listen to NPR marketplace

Amazon Endless New Promotion

I saw this when I was doing some research on Amazon (AMZN). They are giving away $5 for overnight shipping. This is very ineresting because normally the online merchants will do free shipping. But Amazon is always innovative.

On serious note, I think Amazon is interesting because people usually think Google is the king of the Internet, while regard Amazon as nothing more than an online retailer. This could change because Amazon has invested heavily on technology (software) in those years. They are providing technology services to other customers (including retailers). Also from my observation, the Amazon Marketplace, where individuals can list items to sell (similar to eBay), is getting momentum. So don’t think Amazon is nothing more than the online “Wal-Mart”…