Tag Archives: Nokia-5800

Nokia 5800 XM: video playback, game, bluetooth and podcast

I got to play more with my Nokia 5800 XpressMusic (XM) phone in the weekend. The following are the things I tried.

1) Video playback: I found there are some Nokia sample videos and a .wmv video (transferred from my PC Windows media player). Both played without problem. However, when I copied some Apple Dev movie (mpeg-4 format?), it only plays the audio.

2) Game: the Bounce game comes with the phone is a bit challenging for me, as you may know I don’t play computer or smartphone game often.

Continue reading Nokia 5800 XM: video playback, game, bluetooth and podcast

A new way to listen to NPR marketplace

Via Podcast. Partially inspired by an idea suggested at bbs. But I want to automate it a bit more, here is the software: DopplerRadio. It has both iTune and Windows (Media Player) version. Here is a detailed Windows guide written by Jake Ludington.

The MarketPlace RSS feed is:

The same site also has feed to MartkPlace Morning Report etc.

After download it (the mp3) to PC, I did “sync” (Windows Media Player Sync) it to my Nokia 5800 so that I can listen to it when joggling. It worked beautifully.

Now I started to look at “Music Player” icon on Nokia 5800, I found there is this Podcast icon sits besides Music Player. So I will try that “direct” option next time, saving some hoops 🙂

Bonus material: how to burn music from CD to Nokia 5800

Continue reading A new way to listen to NPR marketplace

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic: first impression

The thing finally came from Dell Small Biz (via UPS). My initial impressions: meet expectation (I understand this is not an iPhone killer, rather a notch below iPhone, as the $240 price tag much lower than iPhone $499 price tag).

(Left: iPhone; Right: Nokia 5800)

1) The size is about right, slimmer than iPhone, but wide enough for most applications;

Continue reading Nokia 5800 XpressMusic: first impression

More Nokia smartphones: E63 and 5800 XpressMusic

Here is a review of E63 at Brighthand. This one goes for $149.99 after $50 mail-in rebate at Amazon. I saw lots of Ads for a more high end version E71 at WSJ recently. The main difference is the latter has better camera (3M vs. 2M), has GPS and made from metal (vs. plastic for E63).

Also the touch screen Nokia 5800 XpressMusic goes very well at Amazon ($289.99 after $50 mail-in rebate). I saw this one sells under 2,000 Yuan (one USD = 6.85 Chinese Yuan) in China (amazon.cn) now. Review from phonescoop (via YouTube).

The quick declining price reminds me of one Chinese saying “selling cell phone is like selling cabbage” (in the old days cabbage was very cheap). Guess that’s one reason everyone is selling stuff (music, software etc.) from App store.