Tag Archives: panera-bread

Stayed in China for too long?

Signs that I spoke Chinese too much lately 🙂

This morning I went to St. Louis bread co. to get bagel and coffee. The cashier/servant asked “how can I help you?”. And I said:

那个(na ge means let me see), (realized I was speaking Chinese) Asiago Cheese bagel bread sliced, and a small coffee, for here.

This is just like when I was in Shanghai, I said lots of “excuse me”, when I walked too close to somebody else.

Back to Panera Country

I came back to St. Louis last night after staying in Shanghai for the last 10 weeks. The united 836 flight from Shanghai to Chicago took about 13 hours; it took another 5 hours to get from ORD to STL (4 hours stop over included). At one point during my 4-hour wait, I thought about driving from Chicago to St. Louis only takes 5 hours (300 miles). When I was in China, I heard  about the MagLev (bullet train) from Shanghai to Hangzhou. It will take half an hour if completed (100 miles), making Hangzhou more like a suburban of Shanghai.

panera bread

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