Tag Archives: shanghai-housing

Shanghai housing market

I read some interesting Chinese posts from soufun today. I just put the links here: thought we may get a better picture of Shanghai housing market by reading them all.

Pudong new housing one day tour 浦东看房一日游.

Songjiang overview 松江新城高品质公寓 (the author appears to be biased toward Poly since he/she is Poly West Bay 保利西子湾 owner); also post about lastest price at 保利西子湾.

Vanke housing buying experience 谈谈买房经历和体验 (this one is funny, in progress); another guy one month house hunting journey 一个月火速抢房日记.

Note I have not toured any of those properties, so use the reviews as your reference…

Landlord change and a Haigui blog

The apartment we rent has experienced ownership change. The current owner can not resist the offer given by new owner (more than 15,000 Yuan per sqr meter), and she sold it. The apartment is about 20 years old, and near Zhongshan park. From my observations newer apartments (5 or 6 years old) in the area can easily fetch 20,000 Yuan. This is the status of Shanghai housing market. Hot, very very hot.

I also found an interesting blog written by a Haigui (I believe). This is westernford at blogbus. I like some of the pictures and words there.

Finanlly I am reading something not about finance, stocks,…