Tag Archives: wall-street

Who to blame for current financial crisis?

Greenspan (regulators): for he kept interest rate too low (1%) for too long, during the recession after dot com bubble.

Bush (politicians): for his failed Iraq war which cost American tax payers more than 500 billions so far. He asked American “go shopping” after 911, in addition to buying a car or a house. Democrats are no better in this aspect: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have deep roots in Democrats leadship.

(Video by LATimes: anxious customers on day 2 of IndyMac Fed takeover)

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Wall street 101

The following is copied from the bbs at world famous mit. I pasted it here so people in China can get to it. The article explains the career path of wall street. For ordinary investors who are not going to wall street, this article also explains how finance works…IBD stands for investment banking division.

Let me know what you think.

(author: mywellness) 不少网友对投行以及其它金融行业都表现出了很大的兴趣。不过有不少道听途说的传闻

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